Although it is just me and my husband who currently have their own keys in our household, constant franting searching for them drive us (ahem, to be exact – just me) crazy. It is not searching for MY keys that makes me crazy, but searching for HIS, when he stands one leg out of the flat shouting: “Could you please bring me the keys? I guess I have left them on the microwave / on the bedside table / on the cupboard (choose whatever you want). And so I decided that our keys must have a place where you put them while coming home and then easily find them.
V místním bazárku jsem za dva franky koupila starý rámeček na fotky a v hobby marketu šroubovací háčky. Zbytek potřebných věcí jako:
- štětce,
- barvu na textil,
- akrylové barvy,
- barevné proužky papíru,
- tvrdý papír a
- papírovou lepící pásku jsem měla doma.

- brush,
- textiles-colour,
- acrylic paints,
- coloured paper stripes,
- cardboard and
- paper tape I had at home.
Na začátek jsem odstranila sklo a zadní část rámu a pak jsem zopakovala postup jako při nedávné renovaci starého rámu – tedy pomocí tmavě modré barvy na textil jsem jej namořila. Počkala jsem asi půl hodiny, a pak jsem nanesla akrylovou barvu. Tentokrát jsem tmavě modrou smíchala se stříbrnou, abych dosáhla “metalízového” efektu.
At the beginning, I removed the glass and the backing and then repeated the process I used during the recent renovation of an old picture frame – I impregnated it using a dark blue textiles-colour. I painted the frame, then waited about 30 minutes for it to dry before applyling an acrylic paint. This time I mixed dark blue colour with silver to reach the metallic effect.
Once the paint had dried, I flipped over the frame and screw in the hooks to the top of the frame. The wood was quite soft so I was able to screw them easily in by hand.
For the backing I used coloured stripes of paper that I’ve cut ouf of an old brochure (do not even ask what was the content :)) and stuck them on the cardboard. I think that similar service would paint samples do.
Nakonec jsem lepenku pomocí papírové lepící pásky přilepila na zadní stranu rámu. Teď už jen zbývá rám pověsit. Asi nemusím říkat, kdo to udělá, že? 😉
Finally I taped the cardborad on the back side of the frame. Now only remains to hang the frame on the wall. Needless to say, who will do it, right? 😉
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What do you think of my handicraft? If you like it, I’ll be glad if you share this post with others on Facebook, Pinterest and everywhere else. Have a nice weekend guys! 🙂
And of course I look forward to reading all you comments.
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