I do not want this blog turned into a purely DIY, but unfortunately, the weather isn´t good for making trips to nature, so I must make use of the opportunity of the time spent together at home with children during rainy afternoons.
When last summer Europe was hit by the of Minions, I was quite skeptical toward them. What people see on such a Tic Tac with eyes? The Minions were simply everywhere and it was impossible to escape them – at one point I was even afraid that if I open the refrigerator, a Minion jumps out from there. Then watched the movies, where the Minions appeared for the first time (Despicable Me 1 and 2) and I´ve been lost too 🙂 So one afternoon we decided that we make our own Minions.
Co budete potřebovat / Supplies
Základem pro jejich výrobu jsou žluté plastové obaly, ve kterých se v Kindervajíčku ukrývají hračky. Mezi další potřeby patří: natrhané papírové kuchyňské utěrky, lepidlo, voda, štětec, tužka, fix, barvy, velká jehla, špejle, plastelína a plastová očička.
The basis for their production is yellow plastic eggs from Kinder Surprise. Other supplies include shredded paper towels, glue, water, paintbrush, pencil, marker, paint, wooden skewer sticks, modeling clay and plastic eyes.
Krok 1 / Step 1
Nejdříve jsem do plastových vajíček udělala jehlou na špízy dírky, do kterých jsem napíchla špejle, aby se vajíčka při následných úpravách lépe držela. Tuhle fázi radši ať děti přeskočí, aby se neporanily, a nechají ji dopělákovi.
First I made holes into plastic eggs with skewers, which I filled with wooden sticks – they secure better manipulation with the eggs during the whole process. Kids should rather skip this step and leave it to an adult not to hurt themselves.
Krok 2 / Step 2
Potom jsme na vajíčka (pomocí štětce namáčeného v lepidle smíchaném s vodou) nanášeli natrhané kousky kuchyňských utěrek. Tuto techniku jsem použila už při výrobě organizéru, o kterém se můžete dočíst tady.
Krok 3 / Step 3
The semi-finished product had to dry properly, so we put the eggs into the clay for better stability and had to wait until the next day. Then we went to coloring them. We painted the Minions´ body typically yellow and “dungarees” blue. We also sketched the future eyes and glasses´ band with a pencil.
Krok 4 / Step 4
Ve finále jsme nalepili očička, dokreslili detaily černou fixou a hotovým Mimoňům pořídili boty z hnědé plastelíny. Co říkáte, jak se vám naše výtvory líbí? Dejte mi vědět do komentářů!
In the end, we glued their eyes, painted the details using a black permanent marker and made Minions´ shoes from the brown modeling clay. What do you say, how do you like our Minions? Let me know in the comments!
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